
s-track | Union Of Knives - Evil Has Never

Annoying BGimage #1

I started my day with heavy correspondence. + Calling around about work things. My phone bill will reach the size of... well, something big. I'm a bit worried.
Starting to feel like summer is over: back to routine, a three hour play with Muhi project layouts.

I haven't been totally isolated. I met some friends when I went to visit Marja Liisa in Craft Museum (some Robbie W exchange going on...). She told me that the public viewing of National Dresses project didn't go as planned. Actually: it didn't go at all. Electrecity dropped. No data flow at all.

Funny (...well, not so much): last Sunday I coded Craft Museum page very late, in hurry, and soooo ready to get to sleep. I was so tired that I nearly cried. And today when I was visiting Marja Liisa I suddenly realized that I hadn't updated the files at all. Stupid me.
Gotta fix that.

Still have some layouts to make.