
soundtrack | Nine Inch Nails: The Line Begins To Blur

It's unbelivable stupid life I live. On Friday I got tired to get error notes from my c-ter and not be able to run chkdsk for some reason.

And the result? The new hard drive is three times bigger but as the last one was so silent and soft this feels like driving monster car or something. Crunch crunch crunch. And it seems that the problem wasn't actually with the system but with something else. The first thing that happened when I turned the machine on at home was: 'Epson scanner file is missing or corrupted... run chkdsk' - which it still doesn't do when I ask it to. And plus to that: the mouse is acting hectic. It takes about every third click as double click. I tried to update the drivers but Logitech site doesn't find the model and just throws me to some general support page.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Could I just hate this 1001001001 world any more?

Yesterday we spent the easy-life day visiting my parents: good food, playing cards, not much c-ter. Today the reality is back again: have to try to complete my most important work missions for today and after that installing XP again.

Something finished though: Piitu's small page is now online: http://www.piitunykopp.net.


soundtrack | Wednesday 13: Bad Things

Nerdy life continuum. I stayed in the whole weekend making final changes to Alvar Aalto Foundation site - now published. Exactly 6.30am this morning. I went to bed at about sevenish and a few moments after that Timppa woke up - he's restauring one wall painting by Jaakko Valo with Jaakko Valo for a couple of weeks and they start each morning early. It was actually quite funny: I had my morning alarm at noon and shorly after that I went to kitchen to make some coffee I saw them through the kitchen window heading for University (Ilokivi or Lozzi I suppose) for something to eat. Hmph. Funny? I'm functioning on overdrive. After waking up (and having straight week of only few hours of sleep each night) I've been feeling euforious. I've been laughing to every small thing and - ! - almost made the dishes, cleaning the sink... This can't be right.

But still no end anywhere to be seen: Muhi project and updates are waiting and phone is ringing again. As I've said before: no rest for the wicked.

Feeling very Joy Divisional - a couple of days ago when BBC 6 Music had Ian Curtis memorial day and played Joy Division the whole day I wasn't in the mood. But thank the lord for 'listen again' buttons.


soundtrack | My Chemical Romance: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

Want one? Get one: 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024.

Angel's here! Angel's here! The last season just arrived from DVDon!

Nothing else much.

Most of the time spended with Muhi project and even more with Aalto Foundation site renewal - which is almost finished. Some polishing and all is set for publishing.

And the usual one: machines break down. I was about to write a bill to ArsLab3 when I found my offer *file corrupted*. I tried to run chkdsk but the c:ter doesn't allow - it only asks if I's like to run chkdsk next time I start this &¤%##/%#/ machine. And when I answer yes, shut this damn (/&%%¤%¤####! down and re-start - nothing happens. I'm doomed. I don't want to play games anymore with this because of the few crucial projects had to be finish first. So I just try to ignore the whole thing. Pretending works always.
Anyway, it tells something about my professionality that I had to contact Jari from ArsLab3 and ask him how much I had to bill...

But I heard from Teija who's back from Italy. We'll hopefully meet next week! Something to be glad about. Which reminds me: I have to check if Tuija is already back from China - a small coffee moment withtravel stories would be good for my mental health.


soundtrack | Queen Adreena: Medicine Jar

Want one? Get one: 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024.

Life is vicious and against me. I've been practically a prisoner at home for over one week. On Friday when I finally got out my back started aching again - I + cold spring air = not good. I've been so mad and frustrated. I've tried to convinve myself that it's almost ok, I have work to do anyway and... Getting tired and paranoid. But I'm so glad: the summer is coming and hopefully warmer air too. I wouldn't like to stand dead stiff and hurting watching Marilyn Manson, NIN and Turbonegro. Or worse: listening the hotel room tap tipping through the whole weekend. Well, there are leaves on the trees already. That's a good sign.

German and Swedish language versions of The Craft Museum of Finland site will open tomorrow. There are propably still some odd typos - but still - FINALLY online. This has been one of the long-time sessions of this spring.

Yesterday I lacked life totally. I woke up after noon, *tried* to accomplish something ...but nothing. I actually then lied on sofa watching telly and wondering if I should play some Jak or Kingdom Hearts but I it was too big project for me (getting up and turn on play station). Instead of having any activity I Ended up staring to the emptiness and letting my mind wander around. I had these odd conspiration-sort-of-things like: Hey - there is only one letter difference between money and Monet. Could this be coincidence? I still can hear my brain snapping.

This can't go on much longer. I have to get me a life.


soundtrack | Sons And Daughters: Dance Me In

Drinking cold coffee and water, watching sun shining outside and having fingers tapping on keyboard. Normal geeky day.

Some Spirited Herring and Live Herring (net art events) done. Small things but they took a lot of time. I should be better organized for these kinds of thing.
Yesterday was actually a total head bangers ball - inside my head. Still: new article layout for Muhi project. Few new images added to Aino-K. Pajari's page and a couple of small updates to Colour Association of Finland.

And the Aalto Foundation... There was zzzzzzz with BBC 6 Music a few days ago and I went for BBC Radio 2 to hunt down for something complete different. I found this nice light music show Friday Night Is Music Night with musical themes and light classic music to go with my non-stop working mood. I was listening Finlandia by Sibelius with tears in my eyes (well, almost) while coding the Alvar Aalto site. Could it get more patriotic (and pathetic) than this?

Yes, the sun is still shining outside. I'm waiting for Timppa to come home and take me out to eat pasta/soup and some ice cream. And maybe some dvd-shopping...


soundtrack | Plastic Berntrand: Ça plane pour moi

ArsLab3 online...

My back ache continued through the weekend. It was quite hard for me to move at all - so when I sat in front of my work desk I practically didn't leave it very often during the weekend. These back ahces seem to be quite productive for my work projects.

I spent the whole weekend coding Aalto Foundation new web page. It was so sunny outside yesterday that I almost thanked Powers That Be (...hmph... living in Joss Whedon's universe I guess) for my back ache - I would't have gone out even if I didn't have this hardcore working session. Today I'm again as movable as I should be and no big hurting areas regocnized - but rain rain rain. Can stay home safely.

[Edit 12 hours later:]
Blogger threw me out twice but better later than never.
Today I have made small updates for other projects (before re-entering to the universum of the Aalto Foundation): small updates to Art + Architecture 2005 and small fixes to ArsLab3. Wrote an evaluation for one JAO student. And of course, the above mentioned ArsLab3 site which I finished coding last morning at five.

No go, no flow day today. Maybe tomorrow'll be a bit better. I promise to press my mental refresh button and not to be this dull...


soundtrack | The Scaramanga Six: Horrible Face

More pinkish, flowery desktop images on their way...

Want one? Get one: 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024.

O_o ... Haven't blogged for ages. Nothing to tell actually. Physically I'm decaying alive: my back has been hurting since Easter + right foot has been hurting for about four months now (no reason known which adds a bit to my restlessness). Yesterday I sort of stretched my back and had to stay in the rest of the day. And propably this whole weekend. I was so pissed off yesterday - I had planned to visit Anssi+Liisa in their new home but instead I played salt statue the whole evening.

Now it's a bit better - I can still sit. So working it is.

Actually, right now I feel I haven't been this busy ever before. Forget all my earlier whinings: this is the most turbo panicish time ever. The mother of all the oppression. I've been coding the new Aalto Foundation site like maniac, remade Muhi project layouts, coded Kirsi's pages and made LOTS of smaller updates. I haven't actually done anything else apart from working and watching reality television.
Now I'm lying: I've also worked with my 'hobby' - The Online Art Gallery Spirited Herring is now closed and waiting to be re-opened in the beginning of June. Jani visited here last week and we gave the project some reality check. Needless to say-