
Cramps - Human Fly

My net Elisa connection kills me. Online/offline/online/offline/offline/offline... The situation changed from critical to catastrophical when I was updating Riiminka site and the connection just suddenly went offline. I'm so bored with this... I phoned to Elisa again and maybe something will happen in this week. Crying silent tears here. And in this doomsday athmosphere - what do I receive? The phone bill from Elisa.

Tomorrow we'll have a Live Herring meeting. The whole project has started slowlier than I planned because of the offline thing - how can I find *good* Scandinavian net art to show or even send email when my net line is dead? I'm starting to build up some stress due to that.


My brother always sends the strangest links: www.kk.org/streetuse/archives/ 2006/08/ jazz_on_bones_xray_sound_recor_1. php


Magazine - Permafrost

It's getting dark and it's not yet 7pm. And it rains. And less people wear t-shirts than thick jackets. The summer is officially over.

Yesterday it was my first joga session. Today I was wondering what is that strange feeling - related to pain but not really - in my stomach... until I realized that it must be my muscle(?) Uh, I'm really in bad shape.

I had a Creek lunch with Anssi at noon which was really nice after soooo long time. We should meet soon again and discuss about The Online Gallery Henkevä Silakka / Spirited Herring - I've designed a new layout, not ready yet though.

I've done some small projects since I came back home but nothing really big. Actually, I've emailed + phoned a lot. First I mailed to Adobe and asked why I hadn't received my free registration gift as promised. Grrr. Then I phoned to out general manager about some fixing in the wall next to our door. Then I mailed to one critic/reviewer about one Moomin DVD that is practically impossible to find. And then some stuff about Välittämö project - we are ending the project due the lack of our resources.

What I really should do is the dozens of small updates waiting in my email. And I should make some new layouts for Viipuri Library site by the end of the week. Well. I've opened the images + all the other material I have. Almost there.

I'm not really in work-mode but I really should do something. Grrr.


Metallica - Ride The Lightning

I've been a bit tired lately but I hope it's getting easier soon. I've tried to have some free time also but I know I'm still working a bit too hard. It's not the work actually, but all my projects that are pressuring me. I should really give something up. Thinking about it.

Last week I met some people in Jyväskylä City Theatre. I'll make a makeover to the site. All the Jyväskylä City sites will be emblied into a new publishing system, so that will give me some work. Nice. There are also other projects on my to-do-list. A lot of new layouts, that is.

And one fast temporary site: Alvar Aalto Design Seminar 2007 - based largely on the graphic design by Aimo Katajaniemi. So, not any achievement of mine at all. *sigh*
+ The usual updates: Alvar Aalto Foundation + The Craft Museum of Finland + Gallery Becker.

I would sooooo much like to make something mind blowing for a change.