
Gnarls Barkley - The Last Time

Papiina's make over has been online for a few weeks now. Yesterday I made a few corrections but that's it for now. The viewers won't propably notice anyhing because the changes have been mostly in coding: from html to css. Plus there are now product 'info cards' of every product.

Välittämö + Välittämö gallery has been officially from Tuesday - the same day that there was the exhibition opening of the whole project in 00130Gallery (Korkeavuorenkatu 27, Helsinki). The Välittämö project connects art with business and with exchange/bartering. Maybe artworks can be sold not only with money but also by changing them with services and goods. Sort of: give a artist free lunch for a month/year (or another selected time) and get art work. The Välittämö Project was a "critic's pick of the week" on yesterday's NYT / Helsingin Sanomat.

I should continue to clear my table of the work thingies so that I could fully concentrate on Väristyksiä colour exhibition that should open in short two weeks time. I'm so totally freaked about that one right now... I know the exhibition itself will be really fantastic but somehow it still frightens a bit when you know it's the main exhibition of the Craft Museum of Finland this year.


Shins - Your Algebra

On weekend I worked like maniac, then on Monday I had a morning meeting with Välittämö project (after three hours of sleep), then from mid-day till evening Craft Museum exhibition meeting and after I came home I worked with the same exhibition until about four on morning. On Tuesday I started by making some notes for our Craft Museum exhibition, then lecturing about colour (to a very nice group!) and then finally working with Välittämö project the rest of the evening.

I'm constantly feeling guilt about how little I've given to the projects going on but at the same time I realize that there are fysiological limits in this world. I've slept about 3-4 hours a night for a couple of weeks right now and on Wednesday I collapsed totally. Not blackouts or anything but I just couldn't get myself up. It was the first day for a long time that I didn't have to go anywhere and so, my brain just went to tilt mode. One day total rest did good. I can *think* again (well, sort of...)

Yesterday I worked the whole day with Papiina site which is now totally renewed. Mostly the renevation is in code (to css) but there are also new product information pages that didn't exist before. That's a nice thing - one site that has been bothering me a bit since I know it's much used...

So glad it's Easter - people won't send me more work during it. I'm able to finish my T-D-List and continue with Craft Museum colour exhibition texts...


Lacuna Coil - Enjoy The Silence

From the lowest lows to new hights? Last Wednesday I lost all my email. Last nail to my coffin. But the very next day it was sort of nice to open my email and see... no work at all. At the beginning of the week I was so tired already about the thought of the amount of jobs that was waiting for me. Emptying your email account - easy way to get rid of all the work!

The rest of the week however was still very amebaish low-life. I've been feeling a bit low and haven't really been out (except for short walks) since last Wednesday. I felt I was working all the time but really complished nothing. Maybe it's because many of my ongoing projects are very complicated and long time things and even if you finish one part of the project it won't be seen for a while.

Yesterday I found myself a really nice coat from flea market. Except I should lose some weight for it to fit me perfectly (Have I now joined the army of frustrated women who buy themselves too small clothes living in some kind of dreamworld...?) Actually I went to the flea market to find some porcelain to the exhibition installation (only few weeks to opening). Anyway, somehow it was really relaxing to wander and look all the old stuff (and have a few words with a friend whom I haven't seen for ages) that also my workstuff started progressing. I spent the whole day with Jyväskylä Art Museum front page: I made the requested changes and about 20 colour schemes for future use. Plus wrote a bunch of answers + instructions. It's a bit funny to make make-over to the front page only when all the other pages of the site are still using the old layout - but hopefully it will work somehow.

Right now I'm really drawn into ugly interfaces/layouts. I should finish new Live Herring 2006 layout soon but right now I'm a bit unsure... It's starting to be a bit too ugly... I'll have to get my work done so I could think about that.


The Charlatans - Blackened Blue Eyes

I feel the whole two weeks have been total mess and I've under-achieved everything I've done. Plus the fact that I'm late with my work AND own personal pojects. Right now I feel that this much stuff to do is freezing me to this one position and one thought full of panic, without any sensible way to make this l-t-d a bit shorter.
Updating Värjärikilta's web page took a big part of my non-sunny Sunday but somehow it was really relaxing. I made a makeover to picture gallery and it was sooooo relaxing to watch sunny summer photos... I also got the pre registration for dye-week next summer and I DID register myself already.

Uh, next summer... Wish I was there already. The next big deadline is our Välittämö exhibition after Easter, then just under one month until our big colour exhibition opening in Craft museum and after that another colour exhibition in art museum. And trying to make some sensible plans for Live Herring. Plus the ordinary work of course.

Well, nothing good comes easy. It isn't a project if some tears aren't shed and it's not spring time if you can relax and sleep. Who needs dreams anyway? When you're tired enough you don't actually need to sleep to receive some wild psychedelic ones.

¬_¬ Starting to scare myself a bit. Maybe it's time to finish working for today and try to think about something else for a while.

But some work though: Last night I coded some templates for the Jyväskylä Art Museum - and had some very sugary colour selections... Hopefully there's some use them some time - bored to see all official web pages. Not published yet though.

+ Some basic updates: Gallery Becker, Alvar Aalto Foundation, The Craft Museum of Finland.