
Gnarls Barkley - The Last Time

Papiina's make over has been online for a few weeks now. Yesterday I made a few corrections but that's it for now. The viewers won't propably notice anyhing because the changes have been mostly in coding: from html to css. Plus there are now product 'info cards' of every product.

Välittämö + Välittämö gallery has been officially from Tuesday - the same day that there was the exhibition opening of the whole project in 00130Gallery (Korkeavuorenkatu 27, Helsinki). The Välittämö project connects art with business and with exchange/bartering. Maybe artworks can be sold not only with money but also by changing them with services and goods. Sort of: give a artist free lunch for a month/year (or another selected time) and get art work. The Välittämö Project was a "critic's pick of the week" on yesterday's NYT / Helsingin Sanomat.

I should continue to clear my table of the work thingies so that I could fully concentrate on Väristyksiä colour exhibition that should open in short two weeks time. I'm so totally freaked about that one right now... I know the exhibition itself will be really fantastic but somehow it still frightens a bit when you know it's the main exhibition of the Craft Museum of Finland this year.