
s-track | Nada Surf - Popular

Daidalos (released September 7, 2005).

Autumn is here. When I woke up and walked to kitchen to get my morning coffee, the scenery seen from the window... There was no scenery, just fogged emptiness. And no milk for my coffee - not a very good start for a day. But during these last two days I've had mail from my old friends of whom I haven't heard for a while + my brother - which made me very happy.

Hard core updating session here - and over: Riiminka site renewed (products, images, nearly all) in the beginning of the week and before that some other big updates too. Yesterdays session included f.ex. Gallery Becker, Aino-K. Pajari, Alvar Aalto Foundation and The Craft Museum of Finland updates.

Some The Online Gallery Henkevä Silakka / Spirited Herring updates/things made and some deals made for Live Herring Festival. I'm trying to get us a work shop artist to make a collaboral net art work but as the schedule is what it is...

Had some media students here yesterday making documentary (dvd) about artists from Central Finland. I always find it a bit hard to stand (or sit as I did) in front of camera. And they had some technical difficulties which delayed the project a bit. The shooting project was a bit complicated because it happened in our home (my castle, my working area) and we only have a few electric plugs free. When we finally got to shooting part it was hard for me to be without laughing all the time. I might be a bit disorientated.

Well, it's a new day, new challenges...


s-track | The Dirty Backbeats - The Bop

Rakennettu arki (released September 7, 2005).

Last two weeks I've spent in marionette course. That's making a marionette, not playing with one. I'm so proud of myself: my marionette is almost finished but some more fixing needs to be done. Nice to make something concrete for a change.

I've updated the usual stuff during this time but nothing new new. Like layouts or such. Yesterday I updated Habitek webpage (new images) and last weekend I made tech reneval for Kirsi Neuvonen's website: her prints are now displayed in different way. Other pages of the site need sine work too and the graphic design of that site is not yet quite finished.

Some big jobs coming up - I just hope I'll manage somehow. I was just listing the things I still need to finish... Glups.


s-track | Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles

Tee itsellesi tilaa (Make yourself some room, re-released September 7, 2005).

I've been a bit sick last week. I've had a small head ache, but more than that, I'm really tired. On Thursday I didn't woke up before four and even then I did it just to enjoy shower and eat something. Yesterday was a bit better but today I slept until half past twelve again. On Monday I should wake up before eight - I'm going to a marionette course - so I'm a bit worried about that. It feels almost impossible to imagine me up and well before ten. Damn.

Received new Ptah magazine a few days ago. There is a double page introduction to the new web page of Alvar Aalto Foundation site. It looks SOOO good. I'm pretty proud of myself.

There are over 200 work related emails waiting for me to do something. So far I've started the day slowly: updated Papiina while listening Robbie Williams interview on BBC Radio1.

Some more time, please.


s-track | Psychedelic Furs - Sister Europe

Annoying BGimage #3

My working desk is starting to look like a big pile of paper. No table seen. I have to start organizing my work somehow.

I continued finishing Muhi layouts - and got some more to do. I like making Muhi layouts because it's not the usual 'office-looks' everyone wants these days. But after this over year long period of slow making I'm finally starting to hope that it would be over soon... Expecially when it has been a small break during the summer and I've forgotten a lot - it takes a lot of my poor brain activity to understand the tasks completely.

On Saturday I opened the Finnish Colour Association files from my to do list and actually started solving the problems I had half a year ago. I managed to finish the demo site.

I've spent so much money during the last week that we'll propably soon have to pick grass and worms to eat. I'm a bit too careless with money - but sometimes it's just nice to spend some money and enjoy shopping... And eat outside + such.
No worries though. Everything seems to go well somehow.

...And there are some good things to come - like Depeche Mode. Best seats! And half a year time to worry if the band will be cancelling...