
s-track | The Dirty Backbeats - The Bop

Rakennettu arki (released September 7, 2005).

Last two weeks I've spent in marionette course. That's making a marionette, not playing with one. I'm so proud of myself: my marionette is almost finished but some more fixing needs to be done. Nice to make something concrete for a change.

I've updated the usual stuff during this time but nothing new new. Like layouts or such. Yesterday I updated Habitek webpage (new images) and last weekend I made tech reneval for Kirsi Neuvonen's website: her prints are now displayed in different way. Other pages of the site need sine work too and the graphic design of that site is not yet quite finished.

Some big jobs coming up - I just hope I'll manage somehow. I was just listing the things I still need to finish... Glups.