
s-track | Psychedelic Furs - Sister Europe

Annoying BGimage #3

My working desk is starting to look like a big pile of paper. No table seen. I have to start organizing my work somehow.

I continued finishing Muhi layouts - and got some more to do. I like making Muhi layouts because it's not the usual 'office-looks' everyone wants these days. But after this over year long period of slow making I'm finally starting to hope that it would be over soon... Expecially when it has been a small break during the summer and I've forgotten a lot - it takes a lot of my poor brain activity to understand the tasks completely.

On Saturday I opened the Finnish Colour Association files from my to do list and actually started solving the problems I had half a year ago. I managed to finish the demo site.

I've spent so much money during the last week that we'll propably soon have to pick grass and worms to eat. I'm a bit too careless with money - but sometimes it's just nice to spend some money and enjoy shopping... And eat outside + such.
No worries though. Everything seems to go well somehow.

...And there are some good things to come - like Depeche Mode. Best seats! And half a year time to worry if the band will be cancelling...