
s-track | Nada Surf - Popular

Daidalos (released September 7, 2005).

Autumn is here. When I woke up and walked to kitchen to get my morning coffee, the scenery seen from the window... There was no scenery, just fogged emptiness. And no milk for my coffee - not a very good start for a day. But during these last two days I've had mail from my old friends of whom I haven't heard for a while + my brother - which made me very happy.

Hard core updating session here - and over: Riiminka site renewed (products, images, nearly all) in the beginning of the week and before that some other big updates too. Yesterdays session included f.ex. Gallery Becker, Aino-K. Pajari, Alvar Aalto Foundation and The Craft Museum of Finland updates.

Some The Online Gallery Henkevä Silakka / Spirited Herring updates/things made and some deals made for Live Herring Festival. I'm trying to get us a work shop artist to make a collaboral net art work but as the schedule is what it is...

Had some media students here yesterday making documentary (dvd) about artists from Central Finland. I always find it a bit hard to stand (or sit as I did) in front of camera. And they had some technical difficulties which delayed the project a bit. The shooting project was a bit complicated because it happened in our home (my castle, my working area) and we only have a few electric plugs free. When we finally got to shooting part it was hard for me to be without laughing all the time. I might be a bit disorientated.

Well, it's a new day, new challenges...