
Cramps - Human Fly

My net Elisa connection kills me. Online/offline/online/offline/offline/offline... The situation changed from critical to catastrophical when I was updating Riiminka site and the connection just suddenly went offline. I'm so bored with this... I phoned to Elisa again and maybe something will happen in this week. Crying silent tears here. And in this doomsday athmosphere - what do I receive? The phone bill from Elisa.

Tomorrow we'll have a Live Herring meeting. The whole project has started slowlier than I planned because of the offline thing - how can I find *good* Scandinavian net art to show or even send email when my net line is dead? I'm starting to build up some stress due to that.


My brother always sends the strangest links: www.kk.org/streetuse/archives/ 2006/08/ jazz_on_bones_xray_sound_recor_1. php