
soundtrack | Nine Inch Nails: The Line Begins To Blur

It's unbelivable stupid life I live. On Friday I got tired to get error notes from my c-ter and not be able to run chkdsk for some reason.

And the result? The new hard drive is three times bigger but as the last one was so silent and soft this feels like driving monster car or something. Crunch crunch crunch. And it seems that the problem wasn't actually with the system but with something else. The first thing that happened when I turned the machine on at home was: 'Epson scanner file is missing or corrupted... run chkdsk' - which it still doesn't do when I ask it to. And plus to that: the mouse is acting hectic. It takes about every third click as double click. I tried to update the drivers but Logitech site doesn't find the model and just throws me to some general support page.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Could I just hate this 1001001001 world any more?

Yesterday we spent the easy-life day visiting my parents: good food, playing cards, not much c-ter. Today the reality is back again: have to try to complete my most important work missions for today and after that installing XP again.

Something finished though: Piitu's small page is now online: http://www.piitunykopp.net.