
soundtrack | My Chemical Romance: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

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Angel's here! Angel's here! The last season just arrived from DVDon!

Nothing else much.

Most of the time spended with Muhi project and even more with Aalto Foundation site renewal - which is almost finished. Some polishing and all is set for publishing.

And the usual one: machines break down. I was about to write a bill to ArsLab3 when I found my offer *file corrupted*. I tried to run chkdsk but the c:ter doesn't allow - it only asks if I's like to run chkdsk next time I start this &¤%##/%#/ machine. And when I answer yes, shut this damn (/&%%¤%¤####! down and re-start - nothing happens. I'm doomed. I don't want to play games anymore with this because of the few crucial projects had to be finish first. So I just try to ignore the whole thing. Pretending works always.
Anyway, it tells something about my professionality that I had to contact Jari from ArsLab3 and ask him how much I had to bill...

But I heard from Teija who's back from Italy. We'll hopefully meet next week! Something to be glad about. Which reminds me: I have to check if Tuija is already back from China - a small coffee moment withtravel stories would be good for my mental health.