
s-track | Fischerspooner - Never Win

Strange times. Two large two year projects (Sibelius Academy / Muhi and National Dresses) are now near ending. It *is* good thing but on the other hand I'm hating myself for being too lazy with both of them. It's always with these long time projects - when there's only small things left to finish, it's so easy to give up. Somebody called that 'making Leonardos' - yesterday I found out why. On television documentary about Leonardo da Vinci's inventions it was said that Leonardo was not so keen on to finish his projects. He started a lots of new projects and left them - many unfinished - as soon as something more interesting came to way.

Strange day. I started with writing invitations to artists whom I try to lure to come to Live Herring event. My mind is so spaghettized on all word games that no real words came to mind. Somehow I managed to make a quite convincing template for invitations. The project took over five hours - I thought I could have managed with using only twenty minutes or so. I'm so out of this system right now. The next project (that I thought would take only few minutes) was to write an offer about making net pages to one gallery. Somehow it took me a while to update all documents and such - and soon it was already three o'clock. These two things were the 'small ones' I thought I could have got rid off before noon. Well, they are done. That's the main thing.

That was about today. I really managed nothing else. Waste of time.

It really annoys me that I haven't left any empty space in my calendar - it's already booked until the end of September. And it's only August going on for heavens sake! Not big things though, not days filled with meetings from early morning to evening. But small and important meetings which are impossible to change to another date - as I just noticed when I tried to fix myself some time to visit Helsinki + Muhi project at it's final meters. And Jani who'll propably leave me again - for Africa. What kind of exchange is that? Damn.