
s-track | Dogs - Tuned To A Different Station

Yesterday I had planned to update Coloria but I got a head ache from hell. I slept through the whole day. Frozen. Unable to move a muscle. The whole day lost.

The day before that I made some updates to Playce @ Seminar 2005 + Aalto Foundation page. I've got to re-update Playce page today (some small updates) and if I have time, to make some adjustments to Rune's page. Am I going in circle or what?

Today I'm not having a full working day (it's Sunday and all - I have to have a break sometimes) but I promised to write a description of our next fall event for one grant we're applying. In Live Herring that's it. I've written the plan already so it's not so big of a work but anyway. I'm not very good with all the official papers. They give me heartburn. The other thing that is sooo very hard for me is to write bills. (!?) I'd be so much richer (¬_¬) if I just had a one drop of business sense in my blood.

My other thoughts have buzzed around unrealistic projects. I have this new idea for 'freebie poetry'. I've collected words + imagery from all kinds of freebie sites and I'm now making some kind of weird poetry about it. Hopefully I'll have some time to finish that project sometime soon before I'll find out it's too freakin' idea to be made... I have couple other own projects on their way too: one colouring image site and artsy bitsy site about fear of butterflies. And of course there would be things to do with Coloria, if I just...


s-track | Ben Folds - Rockin' The Suburbs

Annoying BGimage #2

Yesterday I made some layouts for Gallery ArtDiana. Started day before yesterday evening, finished layouts today and updated temporary work site (just logo) in www.artdiana.com.

Yesterday I had a real floppy-brain day. I placed the GAD layouts in temporary url for gallery people to check out but when I logged in myself, I couldn't see anything. I tried it all: moved it to another server, changed the file names, dropped down my fire wall ad preferences (or what ever) and nothing. After a few hour serious fight I gave up because other people could see the page with all the images from their c:ters. Then, after a dull empty moment, I got it: the url had /AD/ in it... So. I can't watch any urls which has ad in them but I can still watch all the stupid pop up ads even if my firewall is denying it. These stupid stupid stupid machines. Grrr...

I visited The Arts Council of Central Finland today (to make some copies and some Herring stuff). There I chatted with one bloke from Oriental Jam - he had *big* ideas about band reheasal places and about how to develop situation of local bands here. Sounded interesting... But just a little bit too much info. Dropped.

Yesterdays updates included Rune's page+The Arts Council of Central Finland. Today I've updated Pajari's page, The Arts Council of Central Finland + The Craft Museum of Finland sites.

Uh. Tons of emails still waiting.


s-track | Union Of Knives - Evil Has Never

Annoying BGimage #1

I started my day with heavy correspondence. + Calling around about work things. My phone bill will reach the size of... well, something big. I'm a bit worried.
Starting to feel like summer is over: back to routine, a three hour play with Muhi project layouts.

I haven't been totally isolated. I met some friends when I went to visit Marja Liisa in Craft Museum (some Robbie W exchange going on...). She told me that the public viewing of National Dresses project didn't go as planned. Actually: it didn't go at all. Electrecity dropped. No data flow at all.

Funny (...well, not so much): last Sunday I coded Craft Museum page very late, in hurry, and soooo ready to get to sleep. I was so tired that I nearly cried. And today when I was visiting Marja Liisa I suddenly realized that I hadn't updated the files at all. Stupid me.
Gotta fix that.

Still have some layouts to make.

s-track | Fischerspooner - Never Win

Strange times. Two large two year projects (Sibelius Academy / Muhi and National Dresses) are now near ending. It *is* good thing but on the other hand I'm hating myself for being too lazy with both of them. It's always with these long time projects - when there's only small things left to finish, it's so easy to give up. Somebody called that 'making Leonardos' - yesterday I found out why. On television documentary about Leonardo da Vinci's inventions it was said that Leonardo was not so keen on to finish his projects. He started a lots of new projects and left them - many unfinished - as soon as something more interesting came to way.

Strange day. I started with writing invitations to artists whom I try to lure to come to Live Herring event. My mind is so spaghettized on all word games that no real words came to mind. Somehow I managed to make a quite convincing template for invitations. The project took over five hours - I thought I could have managed with using only twenty minutes or so. I'm so out of this system right now. The next project (that I thought would take only few minutes) was to write an offer about making net pages to one gallery. Somehow it took me a while to update all documents and such - and soon it was already three o'clock. These two things were the 'small ones' I thought I could have got rid off before noon. Well, they are done. That's the main thing.

That was about today. I really managed nothing else. Waste of time.

It really annoys me that I haven't left any empty space in my calendar - it's already booked until the end of September. And it's only August going on for heavens sake! Not big things though, not days filled with meetings from early morning to evening. But small and important meetings which are impossible to change to another date - as I just noticed when I tried to fix myself some time to visit Helsinki + Muhi project at it's final meters. And Jani who'll propably leave me again - for Africa. What kind of exchange is that? Damn.


s-track | Supergrass - St. Petersburg

Irritating backgrounds II.

Right. I have spent last weekend in Iitti in SE-Finland in International Colour Festival. I was lecturing in colour seminar on Friday and was quite nervous before (as being last on the list) but it went quite well. The time table was so busy that I had to shorten a little but it was ok. The following two days the Colour festival took place in the field next to the church of Iitti. It was raining quite heavily at time to time - that was a pity. The grounds were quite beautiful but what happens if you have a field + rain. Some mud. It's a bit shame that I left so fast. I didn't get time to say proper good byes to anyone - I just sort of vanished from the grounds.

Yesterday we drove to Helsinki to show Timppa's paintings to one gallerist. The gallery is situated in very good spot but anyway - money would solve a lot of problems. Timppa will have his first exhibition in Helsinki propably in next spring - more about that when it will be the time.

Tomorrow I'll have a meeting in Craft Museum about our colour exhibition. I should've had a meeting today with Ulla but I cancelled it because I haven't got anything finished. I'm so lame. Spineless.

I've tried to make all those little updates that my email ate while I was away. Everytime I leave the c:ter for a small time there are dozens of sweet little messages waiting for me. I'm not complaining about work. But I just hope I could have some kind of systemized mind to organize all the stuff. I wish to get my table cleaned even for once.

Small updates: Gallery Becker, Aino-K. Pajari, Alvar Aalto Foundation and The Craft Museum of Finland. And more to come.


s-track | Stateless - Bloodstream

[Written yesterday but since thunder came and I won't take another chance to blow up this &%¤# machine... I plugged out for evening. Feeling odd and empty withuot a cable connecting me to the world.]

OH MY GOD! I just realized that there is not time enough! Full time full size panic!
Updating Alvar Aalto Foundation took all day...

Tomorrow I'm meeting Ulla about our colour exhibition next summer. We should get to show our ideas etc in the museum the week after the next one. I've made some small digi-images of the museum layout but I'm still almost at the same point where I stood one month ago. BUT I've got some new ideas - have to call to Mikko first and ask if they are possible.

On Wednesday I'll be meeting teachers from JAO to discuss about my herring projects and if there could be some use for students. And vice versa. I was planning to make good layouts of how-when-who-where I had in mind... There are some nasty smutty drawings in several small post-it's. Not very convincing.

Next week I'm leaving to Iitti to celebrate International Colour Festival - as one of the seminar speakers. My subject is colours on web - but I just heard last week that they ARE NOT online. That's not a major problem (well, maybe a little: I can't introduce all those i.net sites I've found to be helpful). I have everything in html mode But as usual: my cd isn't burning! Crap. Installation day tomorrow. If it still won't work after one day fight, I'll go and draw pictures.

And yet to come: National dress project should be ready in two weeks...
Oh god.


s-track | Louis Furey - Hustler's Tango

Official no-money-let's-get-some-panic day.

I've done A LOT of small things but getting nothing finished. Or so it seems. New ideas are invading my head right now when I *don't* have any time nor skills to fulfill them. Where did the whole July go?

Yesterday I spent the whole day trying to inform all mailing lists and art info pages about our Live Herring. Today I've posted info about the new exhibition in Spirited Herring.

Updated f.ex. ArsLab3 + The Craft Museum of Finland. Send a working demo for Alvar Aalto Symposium 2006 (very clean and empty that one). Continued making Teija's 'Rakennettu arki' architecture learning project but some essential pieces are still missing. That project will be wild one...

Real life is too harsh now with nothing essential happening (work work tears). I lead so booooooring life right now, no one can even imagine. I'm starting to slip into dream world while making boring small updates with no mind needed - living in my fantasies as a Caribbean pirate queen (piratess?) Maybe this is because of my skull page (in plans).



Ok. Need some sleep now.