
soundtrack | QOTSA: Auto Pilot

Today at Tampere. First we met (Anssi, Jani and I) to plan The Online Gallery Henkevä Silakka / Spirited Herring. Actually, I just sat there and drank cappuchino and tried to look at the ceiling while the boys discussed about ultimate techical plans. Well, I said yes at some points even though I'm not quite sure to what I have agreed to. No... the meeting was actually first one really pushing this project forward. I just realized how big this is going to be. Suddenly I'm sooooo scared about this. There is still time to screw this up completely. Hah, pessimism on its way... again.
Anssi left straight to home after the meeting but I stayed in Tampere for a few extra hours. Jani took me to meet Hanna whom I haven't seen for a long time. She toured us around her Super Star Collective offices. Envy. What a feeling.

And of course some purchasing-without-mind: the last boxset of the Babylon 5 series. I haven't even got the time to play Jak III and now this. And I just remembered that I was very oriented to take Jani's Kingdom of Hearts with me but I so totally forgot that one while watching him playing Ratchet & Clank II. God, I miss my playstation...

But no can do. I promised to put Teija's Daidalos 'coming up' page online today, the layouts of Sibelius Academy Muhi -project are waiting in Photoshop and I received new images from Arx Architects to upload to server. Nerdish night.