
soundtrack | Jets: Are You Gonna Be My Girl

Been busy. No life. I've been listening to BBC6 music while working - which is all the time.
Last week I made new layouts for print maker Kirsi Neuvonen - now I'm waiting a word from her about how to proceed. I also made a rough demo sites for print maker Aino-Kaarina Pajari and puppet maker/artist Piitu Nykopp; both sites will be online soon - I hope so.

On Friday we went to JAO to make the final judgements evaluations of the students. The beginning of the day went well - except it took me almost an hour to walk in that watery slippery snow - twice the time it takes normally. Which reminds me of that one other of the three evaluators, Päivi (yes- we share a name; and actually it was her who told me that there were only 8 Päivis baptized last year - I'm old-fashioned in every way) is spending her winters in Spain. Good for her.

Updated Alvar Aalto Foundation and The Craft Museum of Finland.

I have some problems with my server so I can't upload Sibelius Academy layouts... Maybe tomorrow...

And I finally found out the purpose for my art: Go, get yourself a sporty latino man in suit - who has borrowed the background for his sweet sweet introduction from my 7 Sins (of Love).