
s-track | Starsailor - This Time

Still not there: amount of unread mails too huge for this small mind to understand. But: have to start reading one by one in fifo. I know there are people waiting furious. I planned to start the week with energy boost (plan included cleaning the flat while having breaks from work) but my killing headache took care of that nothing boost like never happened. I slept through the whole yesterday.

Yesterday evening I found out that I've got a (small) grant for Coloria. I'm sooo glad about that one! *Rich rich rich* Heeh, I can finally get some images to Coloria and all... Such a fantastic thing: now I can concentrate on developing Coloria with a good conscience since I have to spend all that money. No more cold sweat running down my spine when spending quality time with that site. [Got a bit away with this. Sorry.]

Today: Alvar Aalto Foundation making basic updates + Alvar Aalto Symposium / Less and more: Googled for a solution for a printing problem: IE printed the lecturer page fine but Firefox printed only the first page. Solved the problem by changing position from absolute to relative; but this solution creates a horizontal scrollbar in IE. After thinking a while, added 'overflow-x: hidden;' - it removed the scroll. Works in Opera too - but it decides to print the left frame too. Fool. Is there any way to stick only in this active frame? Propably but this will do me for now.

Oh, and there was some graphic fixing for Muhi project... Never ending that one.

Just noticed that images are missing. Disk error it says - but I have to continue. Praying here. Making fast copies of some of the most precious projects.