
s-track | Goldfrapp - Lovely Head

Woke up at about hald past eleven - soooo tired.

About x-mas presents: can you tell the mental age by looking at one's presents? Narnia book, Sly3 PS2 game, Nightmare before X-mas bag (small one), joypad for c:ter... And popcorn machine. At the image Hello Kitty slippers from my brother (to be mentioned: I *was going to* buy him pink Hello Kitty t-shirt but ended up buying black Pennsylvania Psycho Ward t-shirt and black balaclava (commando cap) instead).

First made some adjustments for Sibelius Academy project and some other small thingies but it feels like swimming in tar pool. There are so many things on my to-do-list that I really don't know where to start. So I just end up doing nothing with any sense. It doesn't help that I've been a bit down for a few days. Don't know why. Unknown angst.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better - with work things and everything else.