
soundtrack | Cradle of Filth: Devil Woman

Work'a'holic weekend + some days after.

On Saturday I first updated all the small(ish) updates, some Muhi project adjustments + the rest of Kirsi's corrections (all of which I hadn't coded before). Then I started coding national dresses project and it took about 2/7 with only a few hours sleep and some mind emptying moments with reality television (and chicken fajitas - I will never eat again).
Then I started coding new Aalto foundation site which will propably be THE project for the couple of few weeks.

And a card from Teija from Florence (how come I remembered that she was going to Venice?) - my contact to outside world. Well, not totally: today (...as: yesterday) I met Mirkka from Aalto Museum and we discussed something about the new Aalto site soon to be opened...

No life signs here. Move away, there's nothing to see here.