
soundtrack | Audioslave: Like a Stone

Teaching days behind me and that's it for this year. Still some reviewing things but that's whole another thing. These last two days I've been teaching colour history and reception things - my thing. But I have to say: these have not been my brightest moments...

I've worked a lot with Sibelius Academy project. Right now I'm a bit lost with that one but I'm trying to organize all kinds of 'to do -lists' to help my work. Also worked with Aalto Foundation new layout and some small sites coming up. I have a small rush right now. Mental note: too much teaching is bad.

And interviews about net art: I'm about to answer to Javamuseum short interview and on Tuesday I answered one email-interview which will be published later in tutka.org (online-zine by the students of Diaconia Polytechnic/Turku).

Anyway: another christmas party thing (Jyväskylä Artist Association) accomplished. Maybe I'm allergic to Fridays or something. My right eye's watering, I'm like crying all the time. I noticed the thing on last Friday but I don't think tha tI was crying the whole week, it was just the Friday week back - and it started again this Friday. But this time it didn't stop at all but got worst on Saturday. I practically couldn't do anything yesterday because my eye kept watering so much I really couldn't see. And at the same time the eye is drying and then itching and now it's swallen. Good reason to keep holiday: it's not so bad as yesterday (yes, the eye is still swollen and itchy and red even the tear amount has dropped significally) but still when I try to look at a bright monitor it starts again.

Maybe I'm allergic to work.