
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy

Very bony life here... :) On last Friday I bought the most essential things for our household for a long time, f.ex. black rubber gloves with skulls. I started to sketch layout for my skull project. I actually got myself a new domain a few days ago: skullstation.org. But there's nothing there yet.

I also continued to plan my colouring site a bit more. This project has been frozen since August - I'd need to go and get me some photocopies. I've promised myself a million times that I'll take care of that but somehow... Now I publicly promise that I'll take the photocopies next week and continue with the project.
Basic updates + some fixing: The Craft Museum of Finland + Alvar Aalto Symposium 2006.

My work orientation is missing a bit. I'll have to make myself some kind of list again. Getting rid of email (eh, by making all the jobs listed there) is one thing but kind of never ending because my email box is like that golden pot in that one fairy-tale: when you get some from it, it just doesn't get empty. So, writing things-to-do-list with a thick black pen to a paper and then overlining after the job is done is most rewarding. Looks a bit like playlists on gigs. ¬_¬

I continue living in my dreams.