
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Zero

My (almost) pro bono -project... I designed the The Craft Museum of Finland website about nine years ago and nothing's changed since then (besides small front page update) - until now! I decided to renew the whole site using ajax and all kinds of small improvements that help generally to keep updated information... well, up to date. The site is still in trial so there are amounts of small things still to be fixed but any way... I still have to design more dynamic background - now the site is too plain and somewhat boring when it comes to its structure. I actually designed the site last winter when there was still the old logo - which was more light and sort of "flying" and created a whole another atmosphere to the site. But anyway: I hope that the functions are now more dynamical and hopefully also the content will be easier to manage.


Hot hot hot. They promised thunder and rain in the weather forecast but so far only small few drops water have fallen. The air is so sticky and heavy though that I'd be amazed if this didn't lead to a grande thunder storm later today. Hopefully I have battery enough on my laptop to finish all the prints for Lahti exhibition (starting in the beginning of September).