
Tom Waits - Rain Dogs

A three days workshop period took finally the whole week of preparing and changing the plans - especially when the target audience was not the original planned. When the workshop didn't sell out to its target audience, the orderer filled the course with its own workers and students. Which is ok otherwise but I had planned the whole three day session to a particular group of people. So, suddenly I stood there with a material I had made for many days and of which I had no use because the basic situation had changed so much. Everything worked out well however, and there were at least few people there who were very positive and thought that they had received a lot from the course. Still - it wasn't my best workshop, not even near.

The exhibition in Lahti will open in beginning of September and all the promo material with press releases and such should be already there. We made posters and invitation flyers and managed to post them on time but I still have to write some texts today and update my CV for the gallery. Actually, I was quite shocked when I saw the invitation flyer printed. I didn't require the proof before printing because I had to be in the workshop and because the image was totally the same as I used in the Jämsä exhibition (with absolutely no changes on the imagefile but the texts) and even the paper was the same. So, when after Timppa had posted all the posters and flyers and brought me one to see, I noticed that it was almost black and white. What the hell? It doesn't actually look very bad, but *it's not the original*. I have no idea if the posters are the same, since I don't have any extra posters myself but everything was shipped to Lahti. I have to go to the print house tomorrow to hear their explanation of this - and hopefully to get some price down.