
Iron Maiden – Phantom Of The Opera

Today I made the first book cover suggestion that I'm myself totally pleased with. Let's see what happens.

I can't update any sites on Jyväskylä site (Aalto Museum, Craft Museum, Arctic & Fabulous...) because there's one essential gadget down. So, I'll just have to lurk around for a while.

I got some very positive feedback from Papiina today - funny how some little thing can make you so happy. *-*

A little bit of sleep would do wonders right now. I still have a few sites to update and some Live Herring stuff to do and tomorrow I'll have to wake up early (well, relatively early at least). Slave to the system.


Thom Yorke - Analyse

Today's hc-listing:
* Call about sponsorship for Live Herring breakfasts (no go)
* Call about unknown number that has called at morning. It was the transport services: the Osram DOT its have arrived! We'll get some Osram powered light to our Live Herring exhibition!
* Call about silk screen minimum print txt size
* Sent an offer about netsite for one ceramic firm
* Sent an offer about netsite for one artist
* Mailed to Maija about changing the next date date. (+ later some mails the new date and about the possibility to go to InnoForum)
* Another call about sponsorship for Live Herring breakfasts (maybe; calling back in the beginning of next week)
* Sent request for grant payments for Live Herring to Arts Council
* Mailed to Kirsi about next weeks InnoFoorumi meeting - will she drive me if I can go. Whooo, exciting.
* Some heavy mailing about Live Herring + Arctic & Fabulous press releases
* Received those Osram DOT its! Fantastic!
* Mailed to Vakiopaine Bar about Vadelma Club and to Vadelma people about Vakiopaine Bar. And then to Art museum about screening things in Vadelma Club.
* Mailed to my friend how sorry I am since I didn't find time to meet her today even though I had promised earlier. Feeling a bit sad.
* Made a suggestion for a book cover for Opus
* Some additions to Live Herring site: Arctic & Fabulous logo, press release + some downloadables added.
* Some usual updates - to 15 sites...



Billy Talent II - Pins And Needles

Forgot about this. Lakes Woods Artists is an English site about artists in Central Finland by The Arts Council of Central Finland. The artists will be added to the site monthly. More information at the site soon.


All my off-work time I have spent with Live Herring. It really takes my time and wear me out a bit but it's soooo nice to see how everything clicks to its place. We have a few sort of major problems but nothing that would ruin the event completely. At least I want to believe so.

I'm having a lot of projects going on right now. Hopefully I'll be able to update this blog a bit more often than what it has been lately. It's nice to just sit down after these hectic times and just scroll down the blog entries - I really don't remember half of the stuff I've made this autumn.


Tilly And The Wall - Sing Songs Along

Arctic & Fabulous now online: www.jyvaskyla.fi/kulttuuri/ngfest. Although it's so largely based on graphic design by Mikael Korpela that I can hardly say it's mine... Well, I copy pasted the words online. *grin*

There's one project that really brings me down. It makes me sad when I notice that I'm hired to be graphic designer but still someone has always something to say... And when the project has too many people saying their opinions... There will be always someone against and some one agreeing and you just can't please everyone. If you start that way there's no stopping.

It's like, I'm not making my graphic design decisions just to tease people, there is reason why there is some air in the designs, around the logo & such. It makes me sick to see my designs rushed into one pile that looks really stupid. And it really doesn't help the readers when all the things are pushed against one another like in an oldfashioned Pravda. Argh.

This really makes me angry. Better to stop before I'll explode. Glad it's all over.


Beta bad - Broke

I was so frustrated last week that I focused all my energy into my blogs. (Yeah, secondary things rules always in ultimate panic). I moved all my blogs to a new beta version and

I also updated some small thingies to periferiadesign.fi site (designer Simo Heikkilä's site - he has an exhibition in Alvar Aalto Museum right now). Basicly soooo small thing but in reality it took me some hours. I had removed the whole site from my hard drive as I though that I wouldn't be the one to update it anymore. I finally found it from one of my very organized (*sigh*) cd's and then I had to make the whole site definitions again. Which of course would be very easy if you had any idea of where all the passwords and such are. Anyway, the small updates are now online (the actual updating took about 10 minutes).

I've been panicking a bit with Live Herring. Deadlines for brochures was some time ago and I'm still missing things. This year the event has been much easier to organize though. It's not the experience of organizing last year's event (well, propably partly) but mostly about these people - like Heini, Mikael and Soile - who have been organizing with me. I'm tired with the project but quite happy at the same time. And things seem to go well...


Klaxons - Magic

*Sigh*. I just found about twenty work related emails in my draft folder - I thought I had sent them but it must be the broken network thing... One of them being the theatre layout/coding project. I just mailed to one inquire about the project that I've forwarded the files and everything is fine. Well, it wasn't.

One other project that is shading my days is the book cover project - still on its way. I have these ideas that I think are great, but I lack the ability to bring them alive like I see them...

I'm not actually this depressed. I sound more down than I really am. I just lack a bit time.