
Spinal Tap - Stonehenge

I've been getting good feedback about Coloria site. It's so shame that this year has been most devastating with that site: I've done so little updates and even less new stories... It's really starting to annoy me. So I made me a Coloria blog. It was so nice to make something completely different with layout! Unfortunately for non Finnish-speakers, it's only in Finnish. But there are/will be some colour related links and some of them, like in my entry today (about old American colour films) are quite intriguing.

I've actually worked a lot with layouts. Currently I'm making a new layout for The Craft Museum of Finland and first layouts for sculptor Anne Alho. I've finished making layouts for Taidemajakka project but there's some fixing still left to do.

I also was asked to make some sketches for one book layout and I have made some with Photoshop (yes, I have InDesign). Today I opened them to continue my work and noticed that all fonts are missing!? But only for these projects. I can use any font I want in any other project I'm doing. What the h***? Well, I simply haven't got time to worry about this now. I'll send the layouts forward today and wish the best. One thing I have learned this far: I really lack a lot of information about this kind of work and right now I'm having my creativity somewhere hiding.

Need sleep.

+Some regular updates (Alvar Aalto Foundation + Gallery Becker + Papiina + The Craft Museum of Finland)