
Muse - Supermassive Black Hole

Does it make it better? Buying a new computer? Well, it all worked well two weeks. And yesterday I finally got a fatal error flashing on my monitor. The report tells that's it's unrecovable hardware problem, propably something to do with RAM, system board, CPU or power supply. I suspect the latter one - there's a new power plug symbol on the right corner that I've never seen before. I really don't want people with a combo told-you-so-slash-that-sucks look on their face standing beside me when I fight this &¤%¤%%¤W#.

I propably should make some backups...

Nothing new here (well, first SLY for PS2 - I've been searching that one for ages and finally found - but on work front, nothing). Ordinary updates, no new creations.