
s-track | Unkle & Ian Brown - Reign

Getting a bit serious here. Went to sleep at about four in the morning. Well, went to bed anyway. Yesterday I continued making Periferia demo and all small Muhi adjustments. But somehow it feels I haven't got very far with them. With Muhi I'm starting to be a bit too anxious to see it finally finished and I feel that my brain is locked most of the time. No new ideas, no creativity. With Periferia, Simo has got a strong vision how the site should be (always better than 'duh, dunno') and I'm half way through making it. But I'm not all too happy with the layout things. It's always harder to realize someone else's ideas and visions while youself know have something totally different in mind. Maybe mostly because there are a lot of these simple looking little things that turn always out to be most difficult ones to make. A lot of time spent in help forums lately...

But anyway: something good also. Demosite for Opus is finished and I just got a message from Elina - they really like it! I enjoy making that one: even if it's simple the look of the site will be somewhat not-so-conventional with a quite wild watercolor splashes. I'll transfer it soon online.

Christmas coming up - I see it every year from the pile of papers and amount of emails I receive. Panicing people all around. I'll have to make some kind of list all the unfinished business there is still lurking. Maybe I could then get something done. One of them being a report of our Live Herring to those who granted us some money. And glad to say: some more progress made with the festival...