

Fighting with Aalto Foundation site... I've got some gray hair when I've tried to solve mysterious not-working website with some ajax and some javascript code... After over weeks fight with the front page looking allright and next time uploaded, after a very small code changes, it's complete mosaic - I nearly lost my nerve when the solutions is not just found. Until this day I realized that it's the poor temporary Elisa web hotel I'm using to make this. Coloriasto front page is on the same server (temporarily though, I hope) and I have some time wondered why don't the page load completely even though it's not very heavy page (177Kb). This was both a very reliefing realization but somehow I'm now more frustrated than before. I don't have the time to move the whole site to another testing server since I have so little time and I can't trust in what I see on my screen. So, I just have to go with the Force. With my eyes totally covered and just trusting myself to make this right. Wow.

But after the site is refined I have to move it anyway - I just realized that if it doesn't show itself to me, how will it work with people who want to check it first before publishing. Whoa.

Close my eyes and count to ten...