
Out of songs

At last Wednesday I was at SARV (The Finnish Critics Association) meeting at Tampere and when I came back my computer refused to work. The same problem that I had one month ago. Unbelievable! I took it to the c:ter doctor on Thursday but I've heard nothing yet. I'm late with all the project as if it wasn't broken because it took me so long time to install everything as it was.... I'm a bit devostated.

And this has nothing to do with my frustation: I've totally broke my printer too. I actually hit it with my chair (accidentally... really!) and the feed stand broke a bit. I have to invited some kind of patent to hold up my papers as I print.

Any way, I have my Little Silver II (laptop) here and she helps me through the difficult times :) I've made some updates and such but most of all: Maija's site is almost finished. It still has some small adjustments and some images missing but rightnow it feels really good. It let's me remove one of the post-its hanging on my wall (and leaves only about 30 most essential projects...)