
s-track | Swans - A Screw

One of the characters of this household.

Oops. A hole in time. Live Herring went better than well and spending some time with Jani was fab - but afterwards I was soooo tired I haven't done almost anything for a week. Nearly all packages from the event are still on our doorway waiting to be placed somewhere. This week I'll make all the rest of the paper job and all... Maybe then I can concentrate fully on work... and Coloria and a colour exhibition next year.

Last week I had to go and see dentist for my awful tooth ache - half of my head was in fire. But they didn't find anything serious and now the pain is over. Otherwise last week went by playing Ratchet: Gladiator (played through in under three days!) and now I'm continuing my sessions with Jak&Daxter III which was left unfinished last winter... What a joy!

Today has been a bit c:ppy. About a week ago I gave an interview about net art for Kauppalehti. They asked me already for some art work images (which is good) and now they're asking for a personal photo to that same page (not good). I'd rather let my works to speak for them and I really wouldn't like my face printed on Kauppalehti pages. Even the photosession for Image has troubled me a bit though it'll be about my projects such as Live Herring and Coloria. I've sort of made a decicion that if it's about some project or such I'm working with and some kind of publicity photos are necessary, it's ok. But when it comes to my artsy projects I feel that it's somehow wrong - I'd like my art works speak for themselves and not give any people any extra information which could somehow effect the way people receive the works. It propably would be different if I made some kind of traditional art but because many of my works are based on stories and playing with image montages, I feel that it would be nice to start on point zero. This may sound stupid but I've thought about this a lot.

Zzzz. Back to work. Periferia design, Opus and Muhi project (f.ex.) under way.


s-track | The Stranglers - No More Heroes

Today (well, actually yesterday) was so very strange day.
First of all, it was the first day for about month I had some freetime. I'm not exaggerating here. If I've been out, it has been work/project related. Today I had to take one day off and it has been fabulous.

After waking up Timppa and I headed for a photo shoot of Image mag (photographer Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen). The small one double page story will introduce shortly some cultural persons in Jyväskylä area. It was fun - and quite different start for a day. But I just can't keep my eyes open when the light flashes. Eyes closed in all photos...
After the session I had to buy some stationary for next week's event (and that's all work today...), we visited other shops too and then went to Memphis to eat.
On the way home I stopped in Vakiopaine to bring there some flyers and chatted a while with people.

Freetime. What a luxury!

And the image: my online-friend asked to send him a drawing; only guidelines were the word 'box' and time of 20sec to draw. A bit of engineer style... Imagination?

Back in work: tomorrow.