
Mastodon - Sleeping Giant

Jyväskylä City Theatre

After a total crash of my c:ter I've finally managed to get it some what together again. I also purchased a laptop as my secondary c:ter - when the next catastrophe hits at least I'm able to do something with it. Except: I couldn't install my Creative Suite even though I should have enough RAM. Luckily I also have Photoshop CS as a separate purchase and could install that one. Dreamweaver and flash are also already installed and I've tested that the web connections work and all. So... Hopefully I can stop myself from working during the xmas holidays - little bit of workholicing here.

I've had my hands full of jobs. During the last few weeks I've made layouts for Väri07 (colour competition for architects and such) and some layouts for Savi-M (ceramic artist). I've had a meeting with dancers about their website, meetings with Sirkka at the Theatre of Jyväskylä about the content of their site (the site was actually published Dec18; though not quite as I had been planned - there's still some layout fixing to do), a meeting in Jyväskylä Art Museum about their future site and a meeting with Maija and all stuff for her web site is soon collected.
I've also designed a xmas image to screen in the window of The Jyväskylä Art Museum (I'll make that one to the ecard also) and some christmas cards to some museums and some firms.

And here's mine: for those who aren't yet feeling the magic of xmas (...*hmph*...) (change it to the xmas mode by moving your mouse upon image) coloria.net/xmas/06 / and to those who already are in christmas mode http://www.coloria.net/xmas/06


Sunshine Underground - Panic Attack

Last Saturday I had one day off - I can't remember the last time... We left to Espoo to see EMMA museum + exhibition. I didn't really expect a lot - just a day without computer and brain activity. But I the video installations by Shirin Neshat did really make an effect. And the famous Black Square (although not really the most original) by Kazimir Malevitsh was not so bad either... :)

I really shouldn't get any day-offs. The last nail on my coffin was last week when my computer broke down. It was away only for about 24 hours but enough to completely mess my time table. So many projects on their way it's hard to even start... Some Live Herring stuff is still unfinished which takes my time a bit but there are a lot of new projects waiting! More about them later... The main thing is - I really like what I'm doing right now...

Today I've used my time mainly to updates: Alvar Aalto Foundation, The Craft Museum of Finland, Kirsi Neuvonen's and Riiminka sites.

Oh oh oh, I forgot this one too: skullstation.org has opened (a few months ago) with a temporary site. This is quite far about the layout I had planned but since it takes forever to complete anything in my universe, I just decided to put some stuff there already. No so scully though. Just a few irritating backgrounds downloadable for web pages. I drew them about a year ago and some of the elements have already introduced themselves in this site... The skull station will present some skull related stuff in the future but also my line art graphics + stupid downloadables made just for my own therapy... Eh.