DipDay has been on my mind for ages, but it was only now when I got myself to add some dipdayish look to the blog. The logo of the event is designed by Tiina Leino and I used the logo form in making the background design. DipDay project was started, when textile designer Ulla Lapiolahti and I started think like: People knit in public (KIP) - so why not dye in public (DIP)? The idea was introduced to the Dyers' Guild (Association of Dyers) of Finland and they were also interested. So we decided to organize this event for the first time on 2011 when it's the tenth anniversary of Dyer's Guild. The date is (and propably will be on future years) September 2, which in Finland is a "name day" of Sini, which means blue (sort of).
We invite dyers from all over the world to dye together and open the doors for public to see. The events can be small - just invite some friends and ask also some other people to see - or as big as you choose. As we know that the dyeing may be difficult on public places the DipDay events can also be organized in people's backyards. The main point however should be, that the event should be public - if someone wants to come and take a look, it should be easy!
There are no rules or specimens - you can organize sun dyeing events in the park just to show how to put the yarn in the glass jars or have a bigger happening in your backyard or any other place. It doesn't matter if you have one dye pot on fire or ten of them. It doesn't have to be "professional" - pure experiments are welcome too.
So, if you are dyer of any kind or interested about colours in someway, please click yourself to the DipDay blog at