
soundtrack | The Secret Machines: Road Leads Where It's Led

I've got the Art + Architecture 2005 registration pdf finally online. The site has been online since February but all the important pieces are now together - so I guess the site is finally published. The visual design + layout are based on the print material designed by Teemu Taskinen.

Work'a'holica day.

The Craft Museum of Finland Swedish and German pages will open soon - several small adjustments made.
Alvar Aalto Foundation redesign is due to open in few weeks time. Unfortunately, the first stage is only slight make-over, renewal of the few most important pages. Those projects done with one piece at time are always hard for me, I easily lose the logic... But thumbs up now.

And of course some time spent with Muhi project (colour codes for Hannes, searching for old layouts for re-designing, some info for Petteri).

Ups - look, it's already tomorrow. Time travelling.